Awesome Year; Thanks for Your Support

Thank you! Gracias! Merci! 

As this year comes to a close, I want to say thank you to all of my family, friends, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram family for all of the support you have shown me. When I first embarked on this journey of consistently posting once a week, I initially had reservations. This blogging journey was new to me so therefore, I did not know if I would have enough topics to discuss. Little did I realize, my life had many learning experiences to share.

Not only am I able to help others through my experiences but that of other people’s experiences as well. When I am out with others and we are talking, without realizing it I am able to pull from our conversation a topic and expand up on it to share. So, the reservations I initially had about not having enough to talk about held no merit. I’ve come to the conclusion that our lives are one big blog of experiences.

With your encouraging words and support this year I was able to dig deeper within myself and share a part of me that I never have. By sharing my struggles, trial’s, tribulations, and the lessons I have learned, it warms my heart to know I am making a difference in the lives of others. I did not realize that my willingness to be open to help others, helped me too. By sharing my testimony on the things that has happened in my life, I also gave myself healing. Wow, I never thought I would benefit from this as well. A truly profound experience!

I have received many messages by email, Facebook, text and from people face-to-face that my post are always right on point. Kudos to me! I have had people walk up to me and say “A Blossoming Butterfly, right?” I start to laugh and say, yes! They would share with me that someone shared my blog on their page and that’s how they started reading it. I then thanked them for taking the time out to read it. I’m thinking to myself who would have thought, my words would benefit others in this manner. This keeps me motivated to write and share my learning experiences even more.

Blogging is not always easy, it takes time and patience. To be totally honest and transparent with you, I have had times when I thought about skipping a week because of life’s crazy occurrences. This thought is quickly dismissed because someone will then send me a message, via one of the communication means I mentioned above, that my post are encouraging and thank me for putting my business out there front and center. I tell them like my grandmother use to say when I use to tell her, now aren’t you in my business, “Black people don’t have no business!” I use to tell her, “HA, this black person does.” You had to know her!  

Whether my support groups realize it or not, when a comment is written on my blog or Facebook page, it means a lot to me. Hearing a comment is one thing but seeing it in writing, just validates that I am making a difference. I can look back on these comments and see how much I have grown as a blogger. It is very inspiring for me to know and see that I am inspiring others to be better. The way I look at it, is we are helping each other. In my opinion, it is a win-win for everyone! It is not all about ME, rather, it is all about US!

In closing, I would again like to sincerely thank you and say I appreciate all of the love and support I have received from you in 2015! I can only believe that 2016 will be a better and prosperous year for From A Caterpillar to “A Blossoming Butterfly!”

If you have not already subscribe to my blog, do not forget to do so! There will be some awesome and mind-blowing topics discussed in 2016! I do not want you to miss out!

Have a Blessed and Prosperous NEW YEAR!

Thanks for reading! Your feedback is always welcome. Just tweet at me, or email me. While you’re at it, be sure to subscribe to get my posts in your inbox – over there on the right. Until next time, Spread your wings and fly…

Be Encouraged,
