Struggling to Find Balance in My New Role of YAYA/Motherhood

Balance is not something you find. It’s something you create. ~ Anonymous

Lately, it seems as if I am all over the place. If you have been following my blog, you know I have recently taken on the temporary role of Mama/Ya-Ya to my two g-babies, ages 1 and 2. With that, my entire life has changed.

Where I once had balance in my life now it seems as if the balance is completely gone. Hence, I’m all over the place mentally. Yes, I know the whole breathe method, and unfortunately, it doesn’t work all the time for me right now.

You see, I was accustomed to my freedom. I once came and went whenever I wanted without hesitation and no responsibilities, I now have to think of my two little g-babies. Long gone are the days where I grab my purse and keys and head out.

Where I once use to get up about 30 minutes before it was time to go to work I know get up an hour and half early to dress the 2 year old for diva daycare.

In the midst of all of this, I’m trying to build a business part-time, hopefully one day full-time selling Avon. Now, I think that’s where all of my dilemma comes in and the anxiety of trying to build a lucrative business, all while working full time.

I once had the availability of meeting and building relationship with my existing customers and prospects on the weekend. Well, with my new role, I have the help of my mom with the one year old during the week, but my weekends are not free anymore (unless I desperately need her, she is off on the weekends, and I understand.) Therefore, my new responsibilities do not allow me to work my business as much as I want to as well as much as I need to. And, when I say I need to, it is a source of income that has been vital to raising these babies.

Because of this, I try to cram everything during the week, on my lunch-break and a quick run after I pick up the oldest from daycare.

I think this has all increased my anxiety and has caused me to feel like I’m just all of the place in my life. I’m on anxiety medicine on an as needed basis. Let’s be real….I need it regularly…lol

Being all over the place bothers me because with this comes distractions. And, it tends to hurt my business building because I am not as focused.

Now, don’t get me wrong. These two little rug rats are my world. It’s just that with my new role, it has taken me off balance to how my life was first set up after I had raised my daughter. Long gone where the days of changing diapers, combing hair for school, getting dress before we head out for a quick run. Cooking. Feeding. Changing diapers. Temper tantrums. My daughter is 25 years old. Hell, I’m out of practice! Or, should I say was...

It’s not all stress, what has brought me joy and what has helped me is those smiles, their personalities, the now little cat fights between the two. Yes, my one year old and my two year old are having little cat fights over toys and it is hilarious. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. The two year has not accepted the fact that her sissy is here to stay. Now, that’s another post for a different day.

Moving back to my struggle with balance, I know I need a schedule but it’s like I do not have the time to create one. From the time I wake up in the morning, it is none stop. The minute I hit the door in the evening, it’s even crazier. By the time I try to get my second wind, the time is rolling. When I look up again, it’s 9 or 10 0’clock at night, closer to 10 p.m., sometimes 11:00. Now with that 10 p.m. and 11 p.m., their Pape is sometimes just getting in and when they see him all hell breaks loose and the excitement starts all over again. He plays a big role with the later times and I leave them up and let him fight that battle. By, that time I’m cross-eyed and done!

I laugh because when I was younger and had my own child, when daylight savings time changed I use to have my daughter in bed by six p.m. Hell, at that time she didn’t know the difference. It was dark outside, meaning it was time to go to bed. Back then, I made sure I was having enough time for “me time” before it was time to call it a night.

Fast forward to today, in my new role, I just don’t even see it possible. These two little fire-crackers I have are a mess. That two year old is constantly on the move, OMG! I always say, that’s why it’s best to have your children when you are young… I can say this, they are definitely keeping me young.

My g-babies are night owls and I can remember as my daughter grew up she was a night person as well. Even when she was pregnant she was a late night person with both. I don’t know if that has something to do with it all or not. What I do know is that I need to find a system for me that works, where I can get back to my easy type of lifestyle. This rushing lifestyle from point A to B, and not seeming as I have enough time to breathe is definitely for the birds. I need my yoga, spiritual, meditation type of vibe back.

I believe, if I could just find a system that works for me, my anxiety and the fast pace it seems that I always find myself on, it would calm down. It’s just making the time to create a regimen that will work for us.

Let’s Chat,

Do you have any suggestions that might help me with developing/growing my business in a more of a productive way as well as find some balance in my new role?

How do you achieve balance?

Any tips?

