Blogger, Blogging, The Liebster Award

I was nominated for a Liebster Award! It’s a nomination given to smaller bloggers by other smaller bloggers in the blogging community. I’m so excited to share some things about myself so readers can get a better idea of who is behind “From a Caterpillar to a Blossoming Butterfly.” It also serves as a means of communication between myself and my audience!

I was nominated by Angela over a Setting My Intention. I happily accept Angela…  Angela blogs about simplifying life in small manageable steps and creating healthy habits. Head over that way and check out all of the wonderful content she has to share.


1.       Link back to the person who nominated you.
2.       Answer the questions given to you by the nominator
3.       Nominate up to 11 other bloggers with less than 200 followers.
4.       Create 11 questions for the nominees
5.       Notify all nominees via social media/blogs.


1.       When did you start blogging and why?
·         I started blogging in July of 2013. I wanted to be an inspiration to others by sharing my journey during life’s difficulties and the steps I took to make it through challenging times.

2.       When you’re not blogging, what would we find you doing?
·         Resting as much as I can. I love to talk and nurture my plants and relax on my patio.

3.       What book are you currently reading?
·         Angel’s Law of Blogging

4.       What’s your favorite food?
·         Boiled crawfish and crawfish cooked any kind of way.

5.       What’s your favorite way to exercise and get movement in your day?
·         Ab work at home and going to the gym for leg work.

6.       How do you relieve stress?
·         Meditating and taking some “ME” time . I also love Yoga.

7.       What is your favorite thing about blogging?
·         Encouraging others and connecting with other bloggers.

8.      What is the most challenging thing about blogging?        
·         Building my following list and deciding what social media platforms to network with.

9.       If you were gifted $150.00, how would you treat yourself?
·         A full body massage and facial.

10.   What is your favorite quote or saying?
·         Rest your nerves AND Life is too short.

11.    What quality or characteristic do you love about yourself?
·         I love that I can relate and connect to anyone in any type of setting. I’m not afraid to meet and greet.



1.       What type of volunteer work do you do?

2.       Do you do random acts of kindness? How does it make you feel?

3.       How long have you been blogging and what is your purpose?

4.       Were you scared to hit the publish tab when you sent your first post?

5.       Have you traveled out of the country?  If so, where have you been?

6.       What is something you dislike about yourself and what are you doing about it?

7.       What is one thing you’ve done recently to step out of your comfort zone?

8.      Do you consider yourself an introvert or extrovert?

9.       Have you mentor another newbie blogger?

10.   Have you ever been to a blogging convention? What was your experience?

11.    What do you do to wind down in the evening after a long day?

Thank you Angela for the nomination! I enjoyed the challenge. I hope my nominees accept the award… I can’t wait to see your responses!!!
