I first heard about Wayne Dyer by watching Oprah on Sunday mornings before church. I found myself intrigued about what he had to say on being spiritually connected. To my surprise, I was experiencing what he was describing, so of course he had my full attention. It was my intentions to purchase his books or DVD’s but I never got around to it. Imagine my surprise, when I received the email that The Red Shoes was offering the opportunity to come and watch the movie. I eagerly responded the same day and reserved my spot. The viewing included an older crowd; I know for certain I was the youngest attendee. Even though I was the youngest attendee, it was apparent that we were all there for the same reason and that was to determine if we had in fact experienced “The Shift” or to learn how to experience “The Shift” as Wayne Dyer so eloquently calls it.
If I was not in the place that I am in now in life I would have never been interested in watching the movie. On the day of the showing I was still weighing my options about attending because I had worked all day and I was exhausted. I am pleased to say that I am glad I made the decision to attend because I was not disappointed. During the course of the movie, I determined that I had indeed experience “The Shift.” Many of the topics discussed in the movie, I can honestly say I had experienced. For example, to my astonishment Wayne Dyer talked about the Peace Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi; I have this prayer as my screensaver on my phone and I have a copy on my dashboard. I say this prayer religiously before I get out of my bed in the morning and during the course of the day. So of course, it was refreshing for me to see that I was growing in my spiritual journey and headed in the right direction.
After the movie, we discussed how we felt about the movie and if we had experienced any parts of the movie. Of course, I was eager to discuss my experience. In fact, I was the first to speak up about my feelings and it felt liberating. I do not want to give out all of the details as I do not want to ruin it for anyone interested in watching the movie. In light of my experience, I came home and ordered the movie so that I can share the experience with friends and family that are interested in determining if they have experienced “The Shift” or if they are interested in learning how they can experience “The Shift.” If you decide to order “The Shift” or if you get the opportunity to watch the movie, I can tell you that you will not be disappointed. Visit www.drwaynedyer.com or www.thedyermovie.com for more information.
You are a very inspiring young woman continue to do what you are doing and I'm sure you will inspire all the young women that look up to you. Love you. Mom