No Excuse, Stop Abuse

October 1st, kicked off the start of Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Around the world Businesses, Universities, Non-profit Organizations, Churches, and Local Communities are sponsoring walks and workshops to raise awareness about Domestic Violence. Domestic Abuse has taken loved ones from us far too soon. Raising awareness about the signs of domestic abuse and what can be done to help women is the main focus. Domestic Violence has to be STOPPED. We all need to stop looking at the situation like it is none of our business and help other’s that are in these dilemmas, we should not be so quick to judge. Just think about it, it could be your mother, aunt, daughter, granddaughter, cousin, goddaughter, niece, grandmother, and/or YOU. Yes, even our grandmothers are victims of domestic violence. We need to listen to their silent cries for help. Abusers need to know that Domestic Abuse will no longer be tolerated nor accepted. Domestic Violence has ruined or prematurely taken too many lives of women around the world and we need to SPEAK UP and SPEAK OUT that we will no longer stand for DOMESTIC ABUSE. We need to be a VOICE for the victim. It is up to us to use our VOICE and RESOURCES to help victims who are silently suffering from abuse. 


To pay tribute to women who have lost their lives to such a horrendous crime, there will be a walk called “Take Back the Night” Stop Violence Against Women. The walk will be held on October 13, 2013 from 6-8 p.m.. It is the 27th Annual Candlelight March and this year it is sponsored by: LSU Student Health Center, Women’s Center, LSU Campus Life, STAR and IRIS Domestic Violence Center. The agenda will include:
  • ·         The Welcoming
  • ·         Local Resources (STAR, Lighthouse, IRIS)
  • ·         Survivor Speak Out
  • ·         Poem/Song
  • ·         Remembrance Candles
  • ·         Reading Victim List
  • ·         Remember by Name
  • ·         March

Please join FORCES with us, take a STAND with us and HELP us RAISE AWARENESS by participating with us in this MARCH… It is imperative that we send a message to ABUSERS that we are joining forces as a community and as a nation to put an end to DOMESTIC VIOLENCE.

