night, I attended Mass at Saint Francis Xavier for our Christmas celebration. The
Birth of Jesus. This year, Christmas Carols was hosted by the PSR Students
Staff and Children’s Choir of the St. Francis Xavier Catholic Church. I must
say everything was phenomenal. The children sung their hearts out. The praise
and energy in the church was everything and more. We were truly blessed to be
able to experience such a delightful celebration in the House of the Lord. We
serve an awesome God.
I pray you all were able to spend some time in the presence of God’s house for Christmas. If you didn’t have the opportunity, I’m sure you paid respect the best way you could and that’s what’s important. God is everywhere and knows everything and He knows your heart.
Christmas Day is finally here. Tis the Season. It’s a Glorious
Day around the world. Santa arrived just in the nick of time. Laughter. Joy.
Happiness. Peace. Love. Parents are just as excited as the children. The joy of
seeing their children’s face light up when they opened their gifts that Santa delivered with the help of his elves is what makes the sacrifice worth it. Oh, what
joy it is….
I know it was a delight for me to see a smile on my daughter’s
face even though she’s 22 years old as she opened
her gifts. With everything going on around the world, you realize it’s the
smallest things that matter. Life is short and precious and we need to learn
how to embrace each moment we have with our children young and old.
I just want to take this time to wish you all A Merry
Christmas and say have A Safe and Bless Day!
Blessings to You and Yours!
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