4 Ways to Push the Limits and Step Out of the Box

Mentor, Motivation, Community, Network, Encouragement, Writing Career
You will never know the limits unless you push yourself to them. ~ Anonymous
So, you want to advance to the next stage in your life but there’s something holding you back. You can’t put your finger on it, but it’s a force that’s so strong you are contemplating if and what to do about it.

Sounds familiar?

In life we have to push ourselves to do what we want or need to do. There is no way around it. If you want to advance to the next level in your life you have to push the limit, and step out of your box.

Stepping out of the box allows you to reach new levels. In order to do something different you have to be willing to do something you’ve never done before. You have to be willing to open your mind to new things. If the old method didn’t work for you then you need to re-strategize and try something new. 
Stop complaining about what is not working for you and look at what is. And, if you are not willing to do anything about it then stop talking about it. No one wants to hear you complain about this or that when you are not trying to change your situation.   
There are people that are willing to help you, but you first have to help yourself. My question to you is “what are you waiting for?”

There are many methods to assist you with pushing the limits so you can have a thriving life. Nothing in life is FREE! You have to want it so bad that you are willing to do anything to get it. Let me clarify, anything within reason.
Pushing the limit in your life can provide many benefits and the end result can leave you with countless opportunities. Here are ways you can push the limit in your life to create the life you want to live.
1.       Invest in yourself – Enroll in a class. Take an online class or if you prefer sitting in a class room choose something you’ve always wanted to learn about or an area you need to improve in. Hire a coach. Yes, there’s a fee…Nothing in life is FREE. Stop thinking about it and just do it. There’s no time like the present.

2.       Find a mentor – Find someone in the area you want to be in or with the qualities you desire and ask them to be your mentor. There are plenty of people that will be honored to help you. Find the right fit for your life.

3.       Join community forums – There are many community forums online that have what you are looking for. You have to be willing to do the leg work and research for your particular area of need. Join them and participate in the conversation. Respond to other people, ask a question. I’m sure there are other people out there with the same questions as you. Initiate the conversation.  

4.       Find network events in your area – Check the Eventbrite for your local area and see what networking events that are going on. Sign up and go to some. Ask around; Sign up for emails; see what people are saying in your city. Stop being timid.  

When we decide to try anyone of these methods we are opening the door for new possibilities. Stop wondering how this person or that person has achieved success and work your way towards achieving your own success. If they can do it, so can you. You have to believe in yourself otherwise you will never succeed in life.
People will not knock on your door to help you. (If they do, shucks send them to my home, 123 Push The Limit Ave.) lol… ijs. You have to be hungry enough to go out there, do the research and make it happen. You have to be your own advocate for your life.

I recently reached out to a journalist that writes for our local paper to become my mentor. Based on her expertise of writing and because that’s an area that I’m aspiring to accomplish, I felt she was the perfect fit for me. Through her writing I could tell she was a humble person and passionate in her writing.

She’s the type of person I’m looking for to help me advance to the next stage in my writing career. It’s been a minute since I’ve sent the email but if she doesn’t respond, guess what, the buck doesn’t stop. I’m just that hungry and will continue to find the right person that will help me to achieve success. Lastly, I just can’t expect this person to enrich my life, I have to enrich there’s as well. So, there’s a win-win outcome for the both of us in the end.
So my message to you is this; be willing to step out of the box and push the limits that you have allowed to hinder your life. Let go of your fear. Remember, fear is false experiences appearing real…
Let’s chat:
What stage in life are you in?

Are you willing to invest in yourself to make it happen?
Will you push the limit and step out of the box?

Thanks for reading…
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Until next time,
Spread your wings and fly…

Be Encouraged,
