What's Shakin' in August; Have You Written Your Goals

Dreams, Goals, Personal-Development, Life, Life Skills, August

Goals in writing are dreams with deadlines. ~ Anonymous
So August is here! Wow, these 8 months have flown by us without even a blink. You still have 5 months (153 days) left to accomplish something. If you are not careful, this entire year will have vanished right before your eyes and you will have nothing to show for it. When you look back on 2015, what can you say you’ve accomplished? 

Time will pass whether you’re being productive or not.

This is just a quick post to remind you we have 5 more months before we enter into a new year. There’s still time to set AND accomplish goals. You are in a new month with endless possibilities. Write your goals down so you can start meeting your deadlines. Hold yourself accountable to achieving the life you want to live. If that doesn’t work, use the buddy system.

Find a friend that’s trying to meet their deadline and you two can work together to make both of you all dreams come true. You can hold each other accountable when times become discouraging, as they sometimes do.
Make the best use of your time because you cannot get time back. Well that’s it for now, just wanted to send a quick reminder that it’s never too late to write AND set goals for your life.


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Until next time,
Spread your wings and fly…

Be Encouraged,
