Reconstruct Your Life, It's NOT too Late!

Wisdom, Reconstruct, Life, Transformation, Change, Guidance, Manifest, Positive, Personal Development
People can change until they take their last breath. ~ Anonymous
Is your life out of whack?
Are you all over the place mentally, spiritually, and physically?
Do you want to start over and don’t know where to begin?
Well, I have the perfect solution for you. The first place you should start with is, God!

Getting back on track after you have experienced life changing events or hardships can be difficult. It can seem overwhelming and unachievable. If we want to be honest about it, it can be downright discouraging. It takes time and it will not happen overnight.
The good thing about getting back on track with your life is that it’s all on you. You have the power to reconstruct your life anytime you feel it’s not going in the right direction. YOU can reconstruct your life to make it better, in your thoughts, actions, and space. You have the power to reconstruct just about everything in your life that you want to change.
I decided to reconstruct my life by facing my problems head on. One problem that I’m currently dealing with is de-cluttering items in my home that no longer serves me any purpose. It’s time to weed out everything that no longer serves me justice both physically and mentally. I just recently had some professional painting done inside my home to make it brighter and fresher.
The transformation had an immediate, wow factor. In the beginning, I was hesitant about changing. But, with the encouragement from a friend and my painter, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and go for it. This was the beginning of reconstructing my life to a brighter future, both for my home and my life.
In life we will be faced with various reconstruction phases or seasons. At times, it will be relationships, habits, finances, or in my present situations, items. Each of these areas or things represent a time in our lives that we found comfort in surrounding ourselves with. However, as we evolve we must de-clutter of some things, old habits or people that no longer plays a positive, uplifting role in our lives.
When I first started to de-clutter my home it was so overwhelming, everything went into the garage. Before anything could come back into my home I had to go through boxes and assess the value at that phase in my life. It’s still a work in progress but the beauty of it all is that I feel so much better. My life is seemingly more organized. When things around me are in disarray, my life feels the same way.
Are you like this too?
When I decided to reconstruct my life, I turned to God! I had so much going on and I didn’t know where to begin. I was not focused, my attention span was short and my tolerance level was low. I’m still dealing with that tolerance level issue. I really have no tolerance for foolishness…Yes, I was off mentally, spiritually, and physically. Everything around me seemed chaotic. I had to realize in order for things to change, I had to do some major reconstruction.
To lead me on my path, I had to be still and listen. In my stillness, I learned that I had to sweep around my front door. Meaning, I had to do some major hauling of items that had been in my home that represented old memories.
These things were no longer welcomed and needed to be removed so that I could create new and more memorable memories.
Here’s what I did in order for these things to manifest into a more positive and lighter light. Hopefully my suggestions can help you see that in order to be more in sync with yourself, major construction is needed and should take place.
1.       I had to pray for guidance – I had to be still in order for me to find out where I needed to begin in my transformation. I realized that I had to do some major cleaning up around my home. Everything that was taken out of my house for the painting could not be returned into the home. I had to sort through 15 years worth of stuff that I had accumulated. A lot of the items were small trinkets and magazines. There were things tucked here and there, that really needed to be given away or donated to charity.  So, that’s what I did. I sorted through the items and put things in piles and slowly created stacks that could be sold, given away and/or donated.
2.       I had to create a virtual account and sell old items – I have a hard time just giving valuable items away. When I decorate I buy nice valuable pieces and I purchase them at reasonable prices. I like to decorate a lot so therefore, I’ve accumulated a lot of decorations that are stuck in my attic. To feel like I haven’t wasted my money, I would rather sell the items and know that if someone paid for the item, they are more likely to take care of it and cherish it.
3.       I had to decide what was coming back into the home and what wasn’t – This was challenging and I became overwhelmed. Meaning these things stayed in the garage longer than they should have; therefore it was the first thing I saw when I drove into the garage. You talk about depressing and overwhelming. Whew… I had to finally make the decision to tackle it one day at a time until it all had a new place to call home, where ever that may be. It’s a work in progress.
When you finally decide to reconstruct your life, hard decisions have to be made. If you are fighting with yourself about what to let go, be still. Use my first suggestion and pray for guidance.  Whether you are fighting with yourself to let go sentimental items, friendships that no longer serve a purpose or de-cluttering items that you’ve out grown, make the decision today to do something about it and tackle it.
The longer you wait, the harder it will continue to be. Trust me I know, I’m speaking from experience. Once I made the decision to repaint my home, I knew I was on the right track to reconstructing my life. My biggest fear was cleaning out the home in order to get it painted. I just didn’t want to be bothered with first taking it out and then second putting it all back in. What helped make the process better was that, the painters took everything out, so I wasn’t overwhelmed with that task.
Once I had everything out it was easier to process. I was able to see everything and I know what I needed to do. When I made the decision to reconstruct my life and discard of all the unnecessary items I became a happier person. It’s a continued process of getting everything in order but I feel more in tune with my life in every aspect.
Let’s Chat:
Is there something you need to do to reconstruct in your life?
What steps are you going to take to begin the process of letting go of things that no longer serve you a purpose? 

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Until next time,
Spread your wings and fly…

Be Encouraged,
