Happiness is always a choice. You can’t wait for circumstances
to get better. You have to create your own fortune. So look for ways to be
happy every day. Joel Osteen
Being happy in life should be a top priority in our lives.
Life is meant to be enjoyed and lived to the fullest. Learning to live your
life regardless of the ups and downs you experience should be what your
happiness is based on.
Sometimes we get caught up and base our happiness on things we
have or if we are not experiencing any trials or tribulations. I had to learn
that regardless of what I had or didn’t have or regardless of the trials I was
experiencing I should always make it a point to be happy. It’s a known fact
that we will always experience obstacles in life. Therefore, our happiness
shouldn’t be determine on what is going on in our lives. How we handle these
obstacles is what determines the outcome of the matter. If we choose to be
happy amidst the storms in our lives we will have a better outcome.
Having the determination to not secure your happiness based on
the things that you are experiencing in your life shows that you choose to be happy.
Allowing other people to dictate your happiness shouldn’t be the case as well.
Life has taught me that everyone will not celebrate who you are. At one time I
had high expectations of others. It was a hard lesson to learn that everyone
can’t or won’t celebrate good things that are happening in your life. Be it
jealousy or whatever the case may be I had to learn not to let others action
dictate my happiness. Happiness should be solely based on how you want or
choose to live your life. Either you choose happiness or not. The choice is
When I look back over my life, I can remember my happiness was
based on not having any trials or tribulations. In one instance, all of that
changed. It was like everything started happening at once. One minute
everything was flowing and the next minute all hell had broken loose. Not
knowing any better, I felt all of my happiness went out of the door. Reading
various articles, praying, as well as trying to get a better understanding on
life, has taught me that my happiness should not be based on my circumstances.
Choosing how I look at things in my life has been by far the
best change I could have made. I’m not saying that I don’t become discouraged
when circumstances arise. Just like you, I am human and from time to time
things do dampen my spirits. What I am saying is that I don’t let it or others
dictate my happiness anymore. Going forward in life I choose to be happy and
you should too for these 3 reasons:
Life is short – Every day we are seeing people are
either dying naturally, because of health reasons or being killed. We have to
get to a place in life to enjoy every moment because tomorrow is not promised.
Life is too short to sweat the small stuff or worry about what others think. Learn
to be happy with what you have in life and stop letting what you don’t have
dictate your happiness. Today, make the decision to be happy.
You owe it to yourself – Your life is your life
and you deserve to be happy! No one should control your happiness. Don’t give
anyone power over your happiness. You are not a puppet, therefore no one should
be able to pull your strings and determine when you should be happy or when you
should not. NEVER, give anyone that much power over your life.
One life to live – You only live one life, so you
should be living it to the fullest at all times. Learning to be happy with the
smallest or the simplest things is what I’m focused on today. When I focus on happiness
I’m filled with gratitude of what I have versus what I don’t have. Learning to
live my life as it is today was the best change I could have made. This allows
me to live the one life I do have to the fullest. Just like I made the decision
to live life to the fullest you have that power to do so too. Just do it!
In life we allow so many things to dictate our happiness. I
don’t have this amount of money, I’m not in my career dream job, I’m not where
I want to be in life, I don’t have this type of home or drive this type of car.
This is familiar to me, because I was once there at one time or another. When I
learned to not base my happiness on these things a load was lifted off of my
shoulders. I’m not saying that I don’t want these things anymore, what I am saying
is that I’m not waiting to be happy until these things materialize. My choice
is to be happy regardless of my circumstances!
Hopefully, this post has sparked something inside of you to
choose happiness in where you are today. Regardless of where you are or
what circumstances you are experiencing choose to not base your
happiness on uncontrollable things. Be blessed!
Let’s chat:
Are you basing your happiness on what you have or where you
are in life?
What will you change in your life to make the decision to
finally be happy?
Thanks for reading!
Your feedback is always welcome. Just tweet at me,
or email me. While you’re at it,
be sure to subscribe to get my posts in your inbox – over there on the
right. Until next time, Spread your wings and fly…
Be Encouraged,
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