Creating Memories with My Grand Babies

Memories, Granddaughters, Precious Moments, Regroup, Relax, Grandmothers

Simple moments with your grandchildren become priceless memories. ~ Anonymous

The other day, to relieve myself of some tension, I decided to take the grandbabies outside in the backyard after work and let them run free. Well, the oldest one, which is 19 months old. It also gave me some time to woosah and get my second wind for the rest of the evening.

At first, I took my six month old granddaughter out on my hip and set in the rocking chair while the oldest granddaughter ran free. I then thought about it and went back in the house and grabbed her walker and put it in the grass and sat her it in.

Afterwards, I went and grabbed a throw I had been having to give away and thought this is perfect to put in the grass for me to lay down. When I tell you after I laid that blanket down and sat down and then stretched out, it was just what I needed. Woosah…. I’m an outside fanatic so this was right up my alley. Laying there I felt my energy reenergizing and it gave me time to just be in the moment and relax. Much needed.

Memories, Granddaughters, Precious Moments, Regroup, Relax, Grandmothers

In the beginning, it was about them wearing themselves out and me needing a mental break but then it turned out to be after I got my second wind, creating memories with them. The look in my oldest granddaughter eyes was priceless. I can see she loves being outside and she definitely gets that from me. My youngest granddaughter doesn’t fully grasp it yet, but in time she will. Now she just look around and pays attention to sounds and the wind just blows in those little strands of hair she has on her head. The thing she enjoys the most is looking at her sister. She eyes her every step, smiles, grins and laughs at her. Taking it all the badness. I’m thinking, LAWD, in a little while she’s going to be down with her and all HELL is going to break loose! (LOL)

Memories, Granddaughters, Precious Moments, Regroup, Relax, Grandmothers

To witness Grace Ann, playing on her swing, laughing and exploring everything from the grass and pulling it up to picking up objects and trying to put them in her mouth warmed my heart. And, from watching Gia little feet trying to move that walker in the grass and becoming mad because she can’t move it, increases the love I carry for them both. To get to experience these things with them is priceless. Watching their different personality’s blossom is so rewarding.

Memories, Granddaughters, Precious Moments, Regroup, Relax, Grandmothers

Needless to say, you can see they are my total world. Honestly, I would have never thought a love like this could be so powerful to me.

Memories, Granddaughters, Precious Moments, Regroup, Relax, Grandmothers

Memories, Granddaughters, Precious Moments, Regroup, Relax, Grandmothers

The time outdoors allowed me to regroup but also gave me a chance to relish in the moment, to see their innocent smiles and witness their carefree spirit. Grace Ann, my oldest grand-baby, does her own thing. Clueless of the world’s chaos and senseless crimes. If I could shield them both from it all, I would.  

Knowing that I can’t, I’ll just enjoy every precious moment I have with them. Life is short and tomorrow is not promise. With that said, every time I need that woosah moment, (which is often) I will take advantage of my backyard. Myself along with my grand babies will head outdoors and make more memories. That’ll be our time, our own precious moment that we will spend together without a schedule of things to do. We will enjoy life and all its nature while continuously adding to our book that we are creating to have for years to come.

Memories, Granddaughters, Precious Moments, Regroup, Relax, Grandmothers

Let’s Chat:

If you are a grandparent, what ways are you creating memories with your grandchildren?
