Owning your Happy

Happiness, Happy, Grateful, Strategize, Lifestyle Blogger

In life, it will not always be peaches and cream. We will come across a million and one obstacles that will try to steal our happiness and joy. That is the truth. There is no way to sugar coat it, let me put it out there. There are people you will come across that just cannot seem to find their happiness and do not want to see you happy either. However, you have a choice in how you handle those people and situations. Below are three ways in which you can stay true to yourself and make sure you own and keep your happiness without jeopardizing your integrity in how you respond to people or situations of unhappiness.

1.       Do not apologize – Happiness comes at a cost. Happiness takes work. There is a lot of mental, spiritual, and emotional work to finally own your happy. Some people will try to make you feel guilty for being happy because of the simple fact they are miserable. Never knowing or understanding the amount of time it has taken you to finally own your happy. Sure, we are happy as babies; however, life happens and sometimes our happiness is wiped away because of all the obstacles we have experienced along the way. The good thing is some of us realize this and take steps to correct our unhappiness to live an enjoyable life. After all, we are the ones responsible for how we live and if we want to live one of happiness. It is always our choice in life on how we choose to live.

Happiness, Happy, Life, Lifestyle Blogger, Grateful

2.       Recognize - Happiness comes from within. So many people have been through obstacles, some their fault and some are not. Regardless, as an adult there are plenty of resources we can utilize to get past things that have occur in our pass to ensure our own happiness. Recognize, unfortunately some people just enjoy being unhappy and look for pity. There is always a problem with something or someone. It is the nature of their lives and nothing you try to do will make them realize this until they take ownership and actions in their lives to reverse the way you they feel. People that are happy and want to see others happy, take it upon themselves to try to help this person to redirect their feelings by speaking life into their lives with positive quotes and sayings. Sometimes it works and sometimes it will not. In the not sometime cases, you have to eventually recognize the pattern and make a choice if you will continue to pour into this person. In doing so, you can eventually drain yourself and risk your own happiness. The question then remains, will you let go and realize that it is no longer your responsibility, let that person learn that it is their job to work on their own happiness or will you continue to let them drain your energy and take you down with them. The key is recognizing and if you cannot help move on. 

3.       Strategize – To own your happy you have to 1st make a choice whether you want to be happy or not. Then you have to decide do you want to put in the work to do so. Are you willing to step out of your comfort zone? If that is the case, then there is the research involved of either finding a community group for people who are down on their luck and cannot not seem to shake back from their obstacles in their lives for one reason or another. Now a days there are so many resources out there such as self-help books, inspirational and motivational speakers, life coaches, and therapist. There is also our general practitioner that can put you on depression medicine to reverse your feelings to help you along the way. It does not have to permanent however it can be a solution for you while you work the steps to own your happy. As I stated we all deserve to find and own our happy. The real question is are you willing to put in the work if you cannot find your own happiness, on your own.

Happiness, Happy, Grateful, LifeStyle Blogger

If you do not get but one thing from this post, I hope it is that we all deserve to be happy in life. God did not put us  this earth to live a life of unhappiness. And, if we are in a situation that we are dealing with unhappiness, he has provided more than enough resources to help us along the way to either become happy or regain our happiness.

As always keeping it real with,

Ya Girl, Dee
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