3 Focus Points of Self-Awareness

What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself. ~ Abraham Maslow

I have been trying to change my blog name for the longest.  In my mind, for some reason I felt the name “A Blossoming Butterfly” no longer fit me. Not that it no longer fit me so much, but I guess my thoughts of it sounding childish took over my mind.

Focus Point 1: If you don’t control your thoughts, your thoughts will control you.  

Within the last couple of months I have realized through an aha-moment, the latter is true. The name of my blog does in fact fit because for one, God gave it to me 5 years ago in an aha-moment. And, two, I am on a constant journey of personal development.

The fight continues each day I wake up to be better than the day before. I am steadily elevating and evolving. (Hence, blossoming) By working on my self-awareness and personal development I have realized I will always be blossoming into someone better.

Focus Point 2: When you are learning, you are blossoming.

Throughout my self-awareness journey I have re-learned that I was not put on this earth to be mediocre. I say re-learned because honestly, I have always known this in my heart and mind. My thoughts of this goes back to me being in my early twenties. However, what had to happen was my courage had to meet me and twenty years ago it did not. Fear caused me to not fully live out God’s plan for my life.  Fear of rejection, fear of failure, and at one time fear of what people thought held me in bondage. I was scared to take a risk. My voice was not strong enough to speak on and/or do what I felt in my heart. Back then, simply put I allowed fear to control the early part of my adult life.

Focus Point 3: Do not allow fear to stop to you from living out God’s plan and your dreams.

In my quest of soul searching and stillness I can say those issues are no longer a factor in my life. As I stated, each day I wake up to be better than the day before, stronger in my voice and wiser in my mind.

As I continue on this journey, I know “blossoming” will always be a part of who I am. Who I aspire to be. And, what I aspire to be in life.  

With that said, “A Blossoming Butterfly” is here to stay!

Thank you for being on this journey of personal development and self-awareness with me! 

Let’s Chat:

Have you done a self-awareness check?

Let’s blossom together!

