Tuesday's Tea with D, The 5 C's


Put all excuses aside and remember this: you are capable. ~ Zig Ziglar

Today on Tuesday’s Tea with D, we are talking about the 5 C’s.

So, let’s get right into it.

In life we go through many phases. Whether personal or professional it is in those times that we have choices. Choices that consist of us learning from those phases or turning a blind eye towards them and doing nothing.

The year 2020, proved a lot to me.

The number one and most important thing it proved was life is short. And, one day you are here and the next you are gone. With that I began to really think about my life and all of the things, I have put off for one reason or another.

I know I am not the only one with these thoughts, so that’s why I decided to discuss the 5 C’s on Tuesday’s Tea with D.

Below I share with you the 5 C’s that we are, should be or will begin implementing in our lives in 2021:

·         Choices – As I stated up above, you all have choices in life. Choices to be happy. Choices to start a business. Choices to go back to school. Choices to end that relationship and be happy if it is affecting your mental and emotional well-being. Choices to quit that job and step out on faith into a new venture. Choices to love. Choices to be sad. Choice to be positive or negative. I could go on and on but I do think you get the picture of where I am going with this and if you do not, let me spell it out for you. IT IS YOUR CHOICE TO DO WHAT YOU NEED TO DO FOR YOU!

·         Change – In order to receive different results in life, you have to be the change you want to see. It all starts with YOU. Change begins when you realize you want better. Better relationships. Better job opportunities. Better health. Better business ideas. When it is all summed up, CHANGE BEGINS WITH YOU!

·         Courage – When you look and talk about courage, you have to think about a baby taking his or first step. Holding on for dear life when he or she initially begin the pulling up stage and then building up the courage to let go and begin walking. It is that same courage we have to think about when we are doing something for the first time, second or third time until we get it right. Even, if we have never done it, it is courage we need to have to step out of our comfort zone to proceed in life. Having courage is something we have had to deal with one time or multiple times in our lives. The most important thing here is that we find a way to build up our courage to step out into our next phase in life. COURAGE BEGINS WITH YOU!

·         Confidence –  Confidence, exudes many things. Working on it overall is a means of embracing who you are regardless of other people’s judgment. You have the confidence that you are unique and accept it. You are have the confidence to start a new career. Start a business. Go back to school. End that bad relationship. Get rid of people that drain your energy and no longer serves you. Having and embracing confidence begins when you no longer live for people but live for YOU!  

·         Commitment – We are summing up these 5 C’s with commitment. When you are making a commitment in your life to become a better you, you are agreeing to change. You are agreeing to either try something new or be better at something you already doing. You have made it up in your mind to be committed to be the change you want to see. You are committed to being courageous and stepping out from what is familiar to you. You are saying to yourself I have the courage to do whatever I have in my heart to do or what I have been called to do. You are finally saying I have the choice to make a commitment to myself to do what I want or need to do.

In summing up these 5 C’s, I noticed the words all flowed together. You see, when we look at it, we have the choice to make a commitment within ourselves to be courageous enough to be the change we want to see.

In 2021, make the decision to work on the 5 C’s in your life and watch the difference it makes.

Thank you for tuning in and reading the 5 C’s with Tuesday’s Tea with D.

Let's Chat:

What changes are you seeking to make in 2021?

