Discipline is doing what needs to be done, even if you don’t want to do it! ~ Anonymous
The path to discipline takes commitment. For some, it could
mean letting go of what is familiar. The familiarity of friends, certain activities
and most importantly a negative mindset.
You have heard of the saying “in order to get something you
have never had, you have to do something you have never done.”
This is true with anything you seek to accomplish in your
When I started on a new path this year of 2021, I decided to
let go of many unproductive things that yielded me no results. It has not been
easy but I have noticed that since I have let go of unproductive things, I have
been able to get productive things done. And, the feeling has been amazing.
Whew chile, I will not tell you that is has been peaches and
cream. I have had challenging times adapting to a new mindset. Simply, because
when you are accustom to doing the same things from year to year and you are
trying to reprogram your mind, old ways tend to creep up to distract the
mission at hand.
However, what has been rewarding for me is seeing the
progress. So, although it may seem challenging adapting a new mind set find comfort
in knowing you will start seeing gratifying results. And, that in turn will
give you that extra momentum you need to keep pushing. I can testify that because
of the efforts you are putting in place now greater rewards will be seen later
down the road. And, that’s the main goal. Do the work now, so you can reap the rewards
Here I will share with you the 4 steps you can incorporate
in your life to help you stay discipline while setting you on the path to
1. Set
Clear Goals ~ Determine what it is you want. Write it down. When I say write it
down, just do not write it. Dissect it. Meaning, use it as your topic, then
underneath it, add your bullet points. Within your bullets, dig deeper. Layer it
if you must. You want to get to the core of your goals you want to achieve. When
you are clear about your goals, the steps to follow are clearer. SET
2. Make
Every Day Count ~ Having discipline means showing up single every day. By showing
up and being productive you are one step closer to achieving your goals. When you
have goals and a plan written out, you will feel better about what the day will
entail. One day without having it scheduled as a day of rest, can turn your progress
in a different direction. MAKE EVERY DAY COUNT!
3. Create a
Routine ~ Planning your own routine will help you achieve discipline. By creating
a routine, you can establish specific times to take a break, go to lunch, set
meeting times, and feed your kids or whatever other obligations you may have.
Creating this routine and sticking to it sets you in the direction for success.
4. Make a
Commitment ~ Commitment if taken seriously, will get you through each one of
these steps. You can say all day long you want success. It is not until you
make a commitment within your mind and follow through with your steps that you
will see the fruits of your labor. Commitment coupled with action will in turn
lead you to the success you want to achieve. COMMIT TO YOUR GOALS!
It is your choice if you choose to be disciplined or not. The
path will not always be easy, but I can assure you it will be worth it. Making
a sacrifice now for how you want to live later is what it all boils down too. As
with anything, anything in life worth having, is worth working for. Success is
all about being persistent and most people quit too early. Simply put, will you
be one of the ones that throw in the towel early or the one who pushed through
to your final destination?
Let’s Chat:
Have you achieved discipline to work toward your goals?
If so, what are some of the steps that helped you?
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