Tuesday’s Tea With D ~ Rewrite Your Story


It’s Never Too Late to Rewrite Your Story ~Anonymous

Today on Tuesday’s Tea with D, we are discussing rewriting your personal story.

On this terrific Tuesday, I am here to encourage, inspire, and motivate you to rewrite your story to what you want it to be.

It is never too late to change!

The saying “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending,” is absolutely true!

The two components of rewriting your story consist of you being the author and illustrator.

You are the author of your life’s story. Regardless of what anyone say, you are responsible for writing your narrative and how you want it to be.

Every morning you have choices. In being the main character, you have the ability to make your story as fulfilling or unfulfilling as you want. I figure like this as long as you have breathe in your body, you are capable of changing your situation. Hence, rewriting your life’s story.

Many people believe they are stuck in their current situation, however that is far from the truth. The truth of the matter is, YOU are NOT! People hold themselves hostage with this thought process. It is called self-sabotaging.

You always have the ability to rewrite the outline of your story. You can name the titles of the chapters. You can have subtitles. You can make bullet points within those chapters. You can make those chapters as juicy or as dry as you would like. There are no limits to you rewriting your story. IT IS YOUR STORY!!!

You can illustrate the pictures. You can make them bold and bright or dark and gloomy. You can see yourself at the top of the mountain or at the bottom. Remember, it is YOU who holds the pen.  I truly hope if you are rewriting your story, it will consist of boldness and brightness and with you standing at the TOP of the mountain, screaming, I DID IT! I WILL HAVE A BETTER AND FULFILLING ENDING…

When you realize you do not have to settle because of your current status, it becomes easier to rewrite for a better ending.

Today, make it up in your mind to rewrite your story for a new and fulfilling ending. YOU owe it to yourself.

As always, know that I AM ROOTING FOR YOU!


Let’s Chat:

Do you need to rewrite your story?
