3 Methods to HELP You Push Yourself

 “In order to do something you’ve never done, you’ve got to become someone you’ve never been.” Les Brown

We all at one time or another have had times of not wanting to be bother with ourselves let alone push ourselves to greatness. The vision to see yourselves in a greater place sits in your mind wanting to be achieved. You have all of these dreams and goals that you want to pursue. The visualization of where you can see yourself in 1, 5, or even 10 years is strong. It is almost as if you can see and taste the success.  

However, although you have this strong vision, the lack of will power to take the steps is a different story.

Is this YOU?

Do you have these thoughts, yet do not have the physical desire to get up and start the process?

Are your thoughts so much that it becomes overwhelming?

If it does, relax, do not beat yourself up, I have just what you need to help you push yourself to greatness.

I love Les Brown’s quote, “In order to do something you’ve never done, you’ve got to become someone you’ve never been.” This quote is so powerful! It is telling you, just because you have never been a person to push yourself, you still have the ability to become this person. The only thing that stands in the way of this happening is YOU. 

You have the ability to achieve greatness and become who you want to be.

Look at Michelle Obama’s book “Becoming” She speaks about evolving to become a better person. You can always work on becoming who you want to be. It is called being a lifelong student. You will always be learning who you are and who you are working to become. You should always be changing and evolving to become a better version of you.

Having the ability to self-motivate is a trait that many do not possess. And, that is ok! By learning to tap into your inner strength you can push pass those old barriers and make a change. 

Addressing those limited thoughts that you have held on for so long is the first step of releasing that old mind frame. Learning to push past those old behaviors is the second step towards acquiring a new way of thinking. The third step is making the decision to do the first and second steps and then taking action. You can talk all day about what you want, but the real test is when you take action behind the words.

Think about it. The world is always changing and evolving. Why shouldn’t you? Ask yourself, why can't I become the person I want to be? 

You should never be closed minded about inquiring a new way of thinking because of the work it would take. Hard work pays off. 

Here we will look at 3 methods you can use to push yourself  to become the person you desire to be:  

1.       Inner strength ~ Every one and I do mean everyone have the means to dig deep within and pull out that person he or she wants to become. By using hard work, making sacrifices, becoming determined, using consistency, and being dedicated you have what is needed to be great. Incorporate these steps into your life and you are on the path to becoming who you are truly meant to be.

2.       Baby-steps ~ I always say baby-steps are better than no steps. Many times we want everything to be perfect. The perfect timing, setting, etc. This mind frame is actually a stalling process to never getting it done. Let truth be told, there will never be a perfect timing. Make the decision today to get started regardless of where things stand. You will see as time goes by, everything will fall into place.

3.       Self-talk ~ You have to become your biggest cheerleader. Find some self-help books to help you train your mind. Learn to root for yourself. The appreciation of rooting and succeeding in your own strength is something to be valued. When you decide to root for yourself regardless of what the outer world has to say, you become unstoppable. You become more confident and you will become more successful, because you will then see it was you all along holding you back.

When you realize you already have what you need within to be successful that is when the game will change. Your mind frame will no longer be what I cannot do but what I am doing. Doesn’t that sound good? There are power in words and action. Make the decision today to light the fire within you and start your process of transformation.    

Let’s Chat:

Which one of these 3 do you need to do to light the fire within you to push you to greatness?

Did these 3 methods resonate with your soul? 

