“Don’t let your fear of what could happen make nothing happen.” ~ Anonymous
Fear is the culprit behind many dreams not being achieved.
Fear makes you doubt that you have what it takes to be successful.
Because of fear you second guess the value you bring to the table.
Today, we are discussing fear and how it keeps you from stepping outside of your comfort zone.
Let’s look at the 3 fears here, that if allowed can hinder your chances of succeeding.
1. Lack of Support ~ The feeling of lack of support can be
devastating. Sometimes we allow thoughts of “no one will accept me or
what I have to offer” to creep up in our minds. At times, these
thoughts can become overwhelming. So much, that it hinders the process of you moving
forward. To combat these feelings, here are some suggestions you can do:
a. Get to the root of why you are feeling this way.
b. Ask yourself, is your goal to farfetched in accomplishing?
c. Do you feel you would not be supported because you would not support someone trying to do things differently?
2. Doubt ~ Have you heard of the saying “Doubt kills more
dreams than failure will?” Allowing doubt to stop you before you get
started is a recipe to be unsuccessful. Here
are some suggestions to kill doubt so you can move forward:
a. Take action. Stop overthinking and just do it.
b. Get around successful people. Find a community that is
c. Build you a team that will support your goals and encourage you.
3. Failure ~ Failure can be a great teacher. It can teach you about
your strengths. Until you are faced with adversity you never how strong you
are. Just like fear can be good or bad, it can also be a blessing or a curse.
It all depends on how you react to what has happened. Some suggestions to
combat the feelings of failure are:
a. Never take failure personal.
b. Ask yourself questions. Determine what lesson there was to
learn. What caused you to fail?
c. Remember your “why.”
d. Remind yourself to not to quit and to keep trying until you get it.
When seeking out to achieve success all of these feelings are normal. It is human nature to protect our well-being. Even though all of this is true we should not continue to allow fear to keep us from being risk takers. There is never success where there is no failure.
To sum everything up, your ability to succeed should take precedence over the fear that plague your mind. Today make the choice to no longer allow fear to determine your reality. Allow the reality of succeeding be your choice to succeed.
Let’s Chat:
Has fear ever kept you from following
your heart’s desire?
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