How Small Changes in YOUR Life Can Give YOU a GLOW on August 25, 2015 Changes Encouragement Glow Happiness Happy Life Living Life Love Patience Peace Peacefulness Personal Development Shine Spiritual Traveling +
3 Reasons it’s NOT about YOU, it’s about Helping Others on August 18, 2015 Appreciative Bless Comfort Zone Elderly Encouragement Grateful Hospital Life Personal Development Talent Volunteer +
THE LIEBSTER AWARD on August 14, 2015 Blog Blogger Blogging Community Nominees Personal Development The Liebster Award +
4 Ways to Push the Limits and Step Out of the Box on August 11, 2015 Community Encouragement Eventbrite Mentor Motivation Network Personal-Development Pushing-the-limits Step-Out-of-the-box Success Writing Career +
Let's Do It Together, One Day at a Time on August 04, 2015 Cancer Courage Empowerment Encouragement Future Inspiration Life Lupus Mental Illness One-Day-At-Time Pay-It-Forward Prayer Present Spiritual Strength +
What's Shakin' in August; Have You Written Your Goals on August 01, 2015 Accomplish August Career Dreams Future Goals Life Life Skills Motivation Personal-Development Personal-Growth Possibilities Present Pursue Saturday +